Penglai Pier-2 Station (Kaohsiung Port))
駁二特區(Pier-2 Art Center)
捷運鹽埕埔站(MRT Yanchengpu Station)
歷史博物館(Kaohsiung Museum of History)
金馬賓館當代美術館(ALIEN Art Centre)
輕軌壽山公園站(LRT Shoushan Park Station)
捷運哈瑪星站(輕軌哈瑪星站)(MRT Hamasen Station(LRT Hamasen Station))
港務公司(Taiwan International Ports Corporation Ltd.)
哨船頭(Shao Chuan Tou)
雄鎮北門(打狗英國領事館)(Syongjhen North Gate(Former British Consulate at Dagou))
西子灣(英國領事館官邸)(Sizihwan Bay(The British Consulate at Takow))
中山大學行政大樓(NSYSU-Administration Building)
海水浴場(Sea Resort)
文學院(College of Liberal Arts)